Institute for Credible Leadership Development

Log into the institute here:

CLICK HERE to view invitation letter

ISSDA Members,

Please see the attached invitation letter for information regarding another round of signup for ISSDA’s Institute for Credible Leadership Development (ICLD) training. This training is FREE for all current ISSDA Members.

Please review the invitation letter, that explains the program and the textbook page that lists the few textbooks required for the course. Our ICLD Committee researched purchase options for the textbooks and has included ordering information to assist you. Total cost for all textbooks is approximately $100.

Lastly, there is an excel spreadsheet attached to this message. Please complete the information fields in this spreadsheet for any employees that you wish to send through this course and return directly to me no later than Friday, May 17, 2019. We will then have ICLD enter those members into the ICLD system, and participants will receive an activation e-mail to begin their training on (or shortly after) May 31, 2019. This will allow you to access the training and begin your coursework. The training is individualized and at your own pace, within reason (There is a 2-year limit for completion).

Thank you for your support and please let me know if you have any questions regarding this process.

Sheriff Jared M. Schneider
ISSDA President
[email protected]

National Certification
Another component of the Iowa State Sheriffs’ and Deputies’ Association – Institute for Credible Leadership Development (ISSDA-ICLD) training program is the ability to extend the ICLD training to include National Certification through the Criminal Justice Commission for Credible Leadership Development (CJC-CLD). This is an optional certification process designed to acknowledge that the participant has met the requirements and training as a Credible Leader. For each phase of the ICLD (I – III) there is an optional accompanying CCL (I - III Star) certification process.
To be eligible for CCL certification, an applicant must:
· Successfully complete the associated phase of the ICLD program;
· Complete an on-online application and verify that they are in good standing within their agency;
· Pay the applicable CCL application fee; and
· Take an additional online course and successfully complete a comprehensive examination, which may include essays and other criteria.
The results of the additional online course and the comprehensive examination are graded and validated by commission staff and successful applicants then receive a professional certificate, suitable for framing, a lapel pin identifying them as a Certified Credible Leader (CCL) for the phase of the ICLD that they have completed, and the ability to utilize the official CCL designation.
In order to access the CCL National Certification link, the applicant must first successfully complete the associated phase of the ICLD training. The applicant’s Sheriff, or his designee, must then provide Ms. Sherry Bass of the ICLD management team ([email protected]) a list of employees who wish to participate in the CCL process and the specific ICLD level that they have completed. Ms. Bass will then provide them access to the appropriate level of CCL certification testing through the National Certification link on the ICLD desk top, as follows:
Capture ICLD 57-1.PNG
The Sheriff, or his designee, must also indicate if the employee will be paying the CCL application fee themselves or if the Sheriff’s Office is to be invoiced for the certification application fee.
The CCL application fees are as follows:
· CCL – I Star = $75
· CCL – II Star = $150
· CCL – III Star = $300